Pride of leading company

Among firms specialized in heat treatment, Tohken Thermo Tech is top-class in technological capabilities, company scale and management conditions. The company has at its disposal a wide array of heat treatment technology within and outside of Japan, and also handles design, manufacturing and development of approximately 40% of its facilities and equipment.
Always a pioneer, Tohken Thermo Tech was the first in the metal heat treatment industry to expand its business overseas, and its globalization endeavors in Asia and other parts of the world are continuing.
Tohken Thermo Tech technology has supported the heat treatment and processing of the Japanese manufacturing sector since the late 1920s. Our contributions have resulted in awards and recognitions from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Osaka Prefecture, and many more.

Human Capital that shoulders
the Tohken technology

It is impossible for customers to judge whether or not the heat treatment is exactly what they ordered; therefore, trust is everything in the world of heat treatment. We rank first in the industry in the number of employees with national certification for metal heat treatment. The Tohken Thermo Tech brand is maintained by each and every one of our employees.
Category | Employees with Certification for Metal Heat Treatment | Employees with Certification for Metal Material Testing |
Advanced | 117 | No Advanced Category |
1st grade | 229 | 14 |
2nd grade | 140 | 44 |
Total | 486 | 58 |

*Number of full-time employees who have the qualification for examination of “Metal heat treatment technician”