Inquiry to us

Please use this form for inquiries. items are required. Please fill in.


  • We will try to respond immediately but the response time may vary according to the information that you have requested.
  • In case of inquiries received during weekends, national holidays, and from the end to the beginning of the year, the answer may be sent after the next day of our business date.
  • Our response to you is sent to you personally for the purpose of answering your inquiries. Please do not use part or all of your answers for other purposes.
  • Do not use this form unless you agree to the privacy policy.
  • After sending from the inquiry form, we will automatically send you a receipt confirmation email. If there is an error in the registered e-mail address, or if e-mail rejection is set for anti-spam etc., or if there is a system failure, you may not receive a receipt confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a receipt confirmation email from us, please check your email address and email reception settings and send it again, or contact us by phone.
Inquiry Category
Business and Technologies

【Heat treatment】

【Surface hardening treatment】

【Special heat treatment】

Business and Technologies

【Coating process】

【Other business】

Product Name
Image ×

Please attach and send in jpg, pdf, or png format up to 5mb as a guide.

Please send an image that records about coding range.

Please send us a handwritten image.
The file you sent is Published on web server.
Please do not upload materials that correspond to important confidential information.

Standard / Hardness

*Please input 2000 characters or less.


*Please input 2000 characters or less.

Content of inquiry

*Please input 2000 characters or less.

Company name
Postal code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Privacy policy

We use your personal information only in relation to your inquiry and to contact with you.
Please see our Privacy policy page for further information.